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Balance and Vestibular Disorders and Rehabilitation

When a patient complains of dizziness or imbalance, a thorough examination is performed in order to determine the cause of the symptoms. One source of the problem can be disorders of the Vestibular system. This is a system in the body that helps our body to maintain its balance and spatial orientation while we perform our everyday functional activities. It is located in part of the inner ear and coordinates with the eyes, muscles, and joints to give us proper proprioception and balance. Some of the common disorders of the vestibular system are:


  • Vestibular Neuritis

  • Labyrinthitis

  • Meniere’s Disease

  • Perilymphatic Fistula

  • Acoustic Neuroma

  • Bilateral Vestibular Loss

  • Cervicogenic Dizziness

  • Head trauma


Brookside Physical Therapy has very effective programs for treating peripheral and central vestibular disorders. One common disorder is called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and it treated effectively by our skilled vestibular therapists.


Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most prevalent peripheral vestibular disorder. It is characterized by brief episodes of vertigo (the feeling that the room is spinning) when the head is moved in certain positions. It typically occurs spontaneously but can also be caused by head trauma, an episode of labyrinthitis, or ischemia in the distribution of the anterior vertebral artery. Physical therapists trained in vestibular courses are skilled at diagnosing and treating BPPV through repositioning techniques.


Our rehabilitation goals are to restore or improve a patient’s balance and dizziness by:


  1. Using normal systems to compensate for the impaired systems

  2. Teaching the vestibular and associated systems to adapt to dysfunction

  3. Developing new balance habits

  4. Desensitizing the systems

  5. Using assistive devices and education on activity modification to substitute for damaged systems


Balance and vestibular therapies are developed and reinforced through a thorough patient evaluation, patient education, exercise, hands-on treatment, and reassessment.


For more information, go to the Vestibular Disorders Association (VEDA) website for details on balance and vestibular dysfunction. Contact us to schedule an appointment if you have dizziness or balance problems.

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